Friday, April 26, 2019

My Travel Chronicles : Port Harcourt

When I got into pH, the car park I came with was directly opposite this very beautiful green park. I looked for the sign post and I saw 'pleasure park' as the name. Immediately my brother came to pick me I asked him what the place was for, he said just hang out. I made a mental note in my mind to make sure I visit the before leaving.

I did visit, with a friend, and I think it's one of the high points of my stay in ph. The place is so serene, GREEN and very beautiful.

As I was even walking into the park, this white lady stopped and said 'hello, excuse me... '

'Yes? Hello ma '

'Yes you are' she said smiling. I was lost, and I'm sure the expression on my face said the same. And she laughed a very low laugh and looked at my shirt.

On it was written 'YOU ARE AWESOME', and my heart swelled and my face bubbled with laughter and joy as I gladly replied her 'thank you ma'...

I felt even happier with just that single compliment from a stranger, and loved the shirt more. It was a gift, even though big I loved wearing it everywhere. I smiled all through my walk in the park, and as she passed me severally with the children she came with I kept smiling. To me, my day was made!

One of my love languages is words of affirmation, and knowing this, I'm very receptive when I'm complimented. Call it vain, I don't know. But that's me 😋.

I notice one faster when they say the nicest things to me, or even those around me. You might say I don't do well with criticism, I also love those, but let it be constructive and we are good.

Pleasure park was and still is a refreshing place for me, I hope to visit there again when I come back here. I wish something like this can be created for those in the North. 🤔😩😩😩


  1. It was a nice experience I presume, smiling all through your stay there not because the place was lovely but because of just an incomplete statement made by a stranger to you to which you completed in your head from your write up on your big sized but sweet clothe, to you. She never gave you a gift or a hug but just those words out of her mouth made you the happiest lady there in pleasure park as far as you are concerned. We should know that nice words and complements can go a long way to put smile on a face and what does smile do? It heals...

  2. Loving compliment doesn't make you vaịn, we all have languages that makes us blossom.

    Lovely scenery.
