Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Abakaliki... My New Home. 🏘

 It's over a year since I posted anything here even though I've been writing on my note pad and just saving. I've almost forgotten how to write anything you know😢😢. So much has happened this past year, and i don't even know where to start sharing from. I just feel putting down my experiences and thoughts have helped me get through some tough times, because I've come here severally to just read and smile at some of my writings. 

That's one of my reasons for writing down my thoughts..

Anyway, Abakaliki is now my new home, whether I like it or not. And i will write in details about the processes that led to me being here now. I think I posted last here in June or July🤔, and since then it's been one journey or the other. I was in Bauchi this minute, and the next minute I found myself in Kano, then Lagos for a few months and finally Ebonyi State. I can't say it's been a smooth ride or an easy move, but I won't lie😎, I've enjoyed every aspect of this movement and experience.

I now work in a different organisation, completely and totally different from the one I was with before so I'm kind of restricted in the kind of things I share or put out there, another reason why I've been Mia for longer this time. You will get to find out in due course. 

So this is me saying welcome back to your safe place, writing💓. Oya let's clap👏🙉🤓...