Sunday, October 14, 2018

My first alcohol experience

My long time secondary school mad friend was in town. I was so excited so I called up another friend and told her let's go visit okwybaby.. We got to our friend's house, and started gisting and laughing from the gate.. We got upstairs, seated and didn't even remember to take anything, the excitement was more than the tummy business. She remembered she hadn't served us anything more than 30 minutes later so she went to the fridge. Her brother only had alcohol in his apartment, and she didn't want to go downstairs to buy. She said the drink was sweet and tasted like palmwine..

'Ah ah, bring it na' . I cooed🤗

Babe brought one small bottle first and said we should try it, if we liked it she will bring the other one. I and my other friend Naz shared the first bottle, we liked it and asked for the second. By then our laughter was getting unnecessarily louder and we were just talking anyhow now 🙈🙈. Okwy was laughing, she had to go to the market so we hurried up with the drinks and start going.

'Haa babe, my eyes are turning me ọ' .
Naz said the same thing too.
We got to the road, my friend was just laughing at the way we were staggering, so she came back and had to cross us before she took the opposite direction. How we got home that day is a story on it's own 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️.

Please share your first alcohol experience let's have a good laugh.
Have a good week.

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